Editorial Policies
- Aims and Scope
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Consideration for Publication
- Publishing Ethics
- Ethical Guidelines
- Responsibilities of the Parties Involved in Manuscript Publication
- Alteration of Published Article
- Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
- Plagiarism detection
- Manuscript Submission
- Author fees
- Revenue Sources
- Preprint and Postprint Policy
- Policy for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
Aims and Scope
“Digital Economy & Innovations” is a peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing research papers by Russian and foreign researchers in Russian and English to share expertise and advances in theory and practice.
The scopes of the journal include Economical Sciences. Authors are encouraged to submit:
- original research papers reflecting research and its methods, results, discussion and conclusions;
- reviews featuring new advances in Economics and Management.
The journal aims to:
- publish original papers reflecting open research results, theoretical and empirical research in Russian and English;
- inform the international and Russian scientific communities of urgent and promising research topics in Economics and Management;
- integrate papers into international environment and attract international authors and readers interested in the topics of the journal.
The publications might be of interest to the researchers who are aspiring to be aware of Russia’s and world’s latest scientific developments and share their research results with the academic community.
Peer Review Process
Every article submitted to the "Digital Economy & Innovations" journal and formatted in accordance with the journal’s requirements is subject to peer review.
The double blind peer review (double anonymous review) ensures that the identity of both the author and reviewer is not disclosed. Before submitting a manuscript for independent peer reviewing, all information about the authors of the study that may indicate their identity will be removed from the manuscript. Before submitting the review to the author, all information about the reviewer that may indicate the reviewer's identity is removed from the review form.
In order to enhance the quality of the peer review, the Editor-in-Chief may involve other referees into working on the review without disclosing their names. A copy of a review can be obtained at the request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
A review is written in compliance with the journal's guidelines and must contain a detailed reasoning of the reviewer's decision. A review must contain comments on the following issues:
- scientific novelty of the paper and its contribution to science;
- relevance of the reviewed literature in the context of recent advances in the current scholarship;
- merits and flaws of the manuscript.
A reviewer submits the review with the electronic copy of the manuscript to the editorial email vektornaukitgu@yandex.ru in the allotted time, but not later than within 21 days of the date of receiving the manuscript for peer review. A reviewer responds without delay to the journal in case the authors have questions concerning reviewer's comments and recommendations.
A reviewer is to make one of the following publication recommendations:
accept with minor amendments;
require revising and resubmitting the article for the second round of peer review;
A review must substantiate the reviewer's decision to require revising the article or reject it. The reviewer's objective is to provide an unbiased, solid and clearly presented opinion on the article's quality. It is mandatory that a reviewer follows the reviewer ethic principles stated in Publication Ethics throughout the peer review process.
A final acceptance/rejection decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
All reviews are deposited in the electronic archive of the journal for 5 years.
Any external specialists with the Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences degree can become peer reviewers in case they have published in accredited scientific journals on the corresponding topic for the past 3 years. Members of the Editorial Board can be peer reviewers.
Publication Frequency
4 times per year (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 30).
Open Access Policy
"Digital Economy & Innovations" is an open access journal. The Journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
All articles are made freely available to readers immediately upon publication. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.
Other sources:
- Russian State Library (RSL)
- Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU (http://elibrary.ru/)
Authors are allowed to deposit all versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.
Consideration for Publication
The Editorial Board accepts only original work that follows the requirements and guidelines of the journal.
Authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript. The manuscript must be original, and it has not been published previously or it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The manuscript can be rejected or sent to authors to be revised if it does not follow the requirements and guidelines of the journal.
The manuscript must include a letter from the organization recommending the manuscript for publication, an expert review allowing research results to be published open access and the signed Author’s Declaration (Author’s Declaration template). Authors are required to email PDF files of the letter, the expert review and Author’s Declaration to vektornaukitgu@yandex.ru.
"Digital Economy & Innovations" is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license. For more information, please visit. Open Access to publications increases their citation rate.
It presents novel scientific knowledge, and it has not been published previously.
It is of interest to the researchers in the fields of Economics and Management.
It contains details of the methods or techniques to permit others to replicate the work.
The results are sufficient, and they are analyzed and compared to the results obtained by other researchers.
The conclusions are based on evidence and result from the research.
It follows the ethical guidelines of the journal.
- Its topic is not within the aims and scope of the journal.
- It is based on plagiarism and self-plagiarism, or it involves violating copyright and falsifying data or results.
- It has a poor or wrong structure.
- Authors do not explain their work so readers cannot understand it.
- It does not present scientific novelty.
- It does not contain enough citations to up to date literature.
- It contains theories, conceptions or conclusions that are not based on sufficient evidence.
- It does not contain sufficient details of the methods.
- It does not clearly describe or explain the hypothesis being tested, or it does not contain samples of statistical data or experiments.
- It contains major methodological mistakes, or it does not contain accurate statistical analysis.
- It is written in poor English.
Publishing Ethics
Ethical lines of journal policy
The Editorial Bound of “Digital Economy & Innovations” journal is guided in practice by the publication ethical lines developed on the base of following international standards, as the:
- principles accepted on the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Singapore, July 22–24, 2010);
- principles developed by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);
- regulations of the Chapter 70 “Copyright” from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Ethical responsibilities of Editors
The Editor-in-Chief and deputies have extraordinary rights to accept or reject a manuscript for publishing. Editors guarantee permanently compliance with:
- manuscript observing ethics;
- high quality of accepted papers;
- considering various scientific misconducts;
- copyright adherence;
- confidention.
Ethical responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers have the following responsibilities:
- confidention adherence – to treat the manuscript and the review process as confidential, neither the identity of the reviewer nor any other details of the review process may be revealed to third parties, not to use information gained in confidence from submitted, unpublished articles for their own research;
- objectivity adherence – to avoid personal criticism, but to focus on the content of the manuscript;
- impartiality adherence – to base decisions on the scientific merits of the work, without regard to institutional affiliation, nationality, race, gender, age, or other personal circumstances of the authors;
- to alert the editor if there is any indication of potential ethical problems, and to address the other reviewer;
- sources admission adherence – to inform the editor of missing references and any similarity between the submitted manuscript and work that is already published or under consideration at other sources.
The Editors preserve confidentiality of Reviewers' personal data.
Ethical responsibilities of Authors
All the Authors are accountable for the content of the manuscript.
The data of manuscript has to be original and never submitted or published before in other journals.
The Author must guarantee:
- presentation of work results in an honest way;
- giving due acknowledgement to all contributors;
- presence of references for all sources;
- absence of self-plagiarism by papers published before;
- presentation of corresponding authors as all persons who contributed significantly to the research and paper compilation;
- revelation of potential conflicts of interest (such as presented information about obtained grants and other funding sources);
- fast line with editor for expeditious correction or paper rejection, if some kind of failure or misconduct was discovered.
Ethical Guidelines
The ethical standards of the journal are based on the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In disputed situations, the editorial board is guided by the COPE guidelines.
"Digital Economy & Innovations" journal follows the criteria for authorship specified in Responsibilities of the Parties Involved in Manuscript Publication. Any researcher involved in the research planning or execution cannot be excluded from the list of authors and has the right to take part in the preparing a draft or a final version of the article.
The submitted material must be original and not previously published elsewhere, in whole or in part in other languages, and must not be under consideration by any other journal. If the manuscript presents the results used for the preparation of other manuscripts in which the authors were designated as co-authors, the authors must inform the editors and provide links to such articles. If the manuscript contains materials previously published by the authors, this should be specified in the text of the article and references to previously published works should be given.
In exceptional cases, we can accept a manuscript that has been previously published in other languages only if the information it contains is extremely important and needs to be spread as widely as possible. In this case the journal that has initially published the work is to give its permission for republication. Such article must contain an explicit reference to the original.
Manuscripts that present a reanalysis of previously published data must include a reference to the original work.
The determination of authorship is the prerogative of the team of authors who worked on the manuscript. It is not the role of the Editorial Board to determine who qualifies or disqualifies for authorship.
Violation of crediting authorship occurs in case of the unreasoned removal/addition of an author from/to the list of authors. Manuscript submission without receiving consent from each listed author can be also regarded as violation of crediting authorship.
In case of authorship conflicts the Editor-in-Chief reserves a right to refuse publication.
Plagiarism is the unreferenced use of other’s published and unpublished ideas, thoughts, expressions or other intellectual property without their permission or acknowledgment and/or the representation of them as one's own original work. If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is subject to rejection and the Editorial Board will issue a warning to the research institution the author is affiliated with. If certain techniques to conceal plagiarism are found, the article will be rejected and subsequent papers by the same author will not be accepted for publication in the journal for 5 years.
Self-plagiarism is reusing the text from his or her own published work as well as changing the text of the article without improving its informative value in comparison with the previously published work. The submission of a manuscript that contains data presented in the dissertation that has been defended before is also attributed as self-plagiarism. The Editorial Board considers that the results of the dissertation should be published before the dissertation defense, not afterwards.
Journal uses native Russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Falsification of data is fabrication or intentional distortion/concealment of data that contradict to author’s hypothesis or conclusions. If fabrication or intentional data distortion are detected, the manuscript will be refused and the Editorial Board will inform about the case the academic institution the authors are affiliated with.
A conflict of interests arises when a researcher’s professional judgment is influenced by a secondary interest, such as family ties, personal financial interests, academic competition or opposing scientific views. Authors are requested to disclose potential conflicts of interests so that readers could recognize biases in their work. If a conflict of interests is declared, it will be published along with the article in a special section. If a conflict of interests is discovered after manuscript publication, the journal will publish this information separately, and the authors will be required to submit an explanation letter to the Editorial Board.
If the Editorial Board has any concerns about the ethical aspect of the publication, it can contact the research institution that carried out or hosted the study to clarify all the circumstances. If the doubts are confirmed, the article will be retracted. The following reasons can be also regarded as grounds for retraction:
- Plagiarism discovery after publication of an article.
- Redundant publications (republishing of an article in another journal).
- Finding major errors in a published article that can dispute its scientific value.
- Reproducing materials and data without obtaining permission.
- Copyright infringement.
- Undisclosed conflicts of interest.
Responsibilities of the Parties Involved in Manuscript Publication
Identification of authors is the responsibility of the people who did the work. Authors should not expect the Editorial Board to become embroiled in disputes and conflicts among authors.
Criteria for authorship:
- he/she has made a substantial contribution to the work or the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data for the work;
- he/she has participated in writing the original draft of the manuscript or revising the manuscript;
- he/she has participated in approval of the final version of the manuscript;
- he/she has agreed to take responsibility for all aspects of the research.
Individuals who have participated in other aspects of the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship and therefore cannot be designated as authors of the manuscript should be listed in the Acknowledgements section.
The author(s) should obtain written consents of all the individuals or organizations to be acknowledged. The consents do not have to be submitted with the manuscript, and they should be sent upon request.
When authorship changes after the manuscript has been submitted, authors must provide notice of this change, stating which author is being added or removed. It must be a written consent of all authors, including those being added or removed.
Authors should adhere to the ethical guidelines of the journal and disclose the conflicts of interests.
The author who is responsible for communicating with the journal is a corresponding author. The corresponding author should respond to the letters from the journal within 5 days, otherwise the manuscript can be rejected.
“Digital Economy & Innovations” is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license. For more information, please visit.
Confidentiality: Peer reviewers cannot disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone before its publication. The research results and ideas obtained through peer review must not be used in a peer reviewer’s own research before the manuscript is published.
Standards of Objectivity: Peer reviewers must be polite, and their peer reviews must contain no personal criticism of authors and be conducted objectively.
Impartiality: Peer reviewers must be unbiased and evaluate the manuscript for its scientific content regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethics origin, citizenship or political views of the author(s).
Conflict of Interest: If peer reviewers discover a conflict of interest, they must notify the Editor-in-Chief to be excused from the review process.
Acknowledgment of Sources: Peer reviewers should identify the works that have not been cited by authors. If peer reviewers find any substantial similarity between the submitted manuscript and any other published work, they must notify the Editor-in-Chief promptly.
Punctuality: A peer review must be prepared according to the journal standards within the time agreed.
Peer reviewers must respond to each question related to their reviews.
The Editorial Board must ensure confidentiality of the process of manuscript preparation for publication. Before submitting a manuscript for independent peer reviewing, all information about the author(s) of the study that may indicate their identity will be removed from the manuscript. Anonymous manuscripts are assigned a number for identification within the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board requires the peer reviewer to ensure confidentiality if he/she has identified the author from the List of References. Ideas expressed in manuscripts submitted for peer reviewing cannot be made public by the editorial staff.
The Editorial Board must strictly observe the rules of reviewing. Reviewers are to be selected strictly according to the criteria given in Peer Review Process.
Manuscripts rejected before being sent for peer reviewing are deleted from the journal’s database. Manuscripts rejected as a result of peer reviewing are stored in our database together with the reviews for 5 years.
All manuscripts should be given a timely peer review. Any delay should be agreed upon with the authors. In case the publication is rejected, the editors should notify the authors as early as possible.
The Editor-in-Chief is the only person responsible for the content of the journal and the publication of manuscripts. By the decision of the Editor-in-Chief, an article that has received negative feedback from peer reviewers may still be published.
Unintended mistakes are a part of the publication process. The Editorial Board is obliged to publish information about identified inaccuracies in an article right after they are detected.
Alteration of Published Article
An erratum refers to a correction of errors introduced to the article by the publisher. All publisher-introduced changes are highlighted to the author at the proof stage and any errors are ideally identified by the author and corrected by the publisher before final publication.
A corrigendum refers to a change to their article that the author wishes to publish at any time after acceptance. Authors should contact the editor of the journal, who will determine the impact of the change and decide on the appropriate course of action.
Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interests exists when professional judgement may be inappropriately influenced by a secondary interest, such as personal relationships, financial relationships, competition between researchers or a conflict of scientific opinions.
Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a Reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.
Authors are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest so that readers could be aware of any bias in their work.
Each of authors should fill in his/her copy of the Conflict of Interests Statement. The Conflict of Interests Statements should be submitted to the Editorial Office.
Plagiarism detection
“Digital Economy & Innovations” uses native Russian-language plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online:
- by emailing to vektornaukitgu@yandex.ru;
- by uploading to the submission system at our website.
Either way is appropriate.
To contact tech support, please email to boyarsky@eco-vector.com.
Author fees
There are no publication fees or fees payable to authors.
All manuscripts must be submitted by an author and cannot be submitted by a third party or an agent.
The manuscripts are published only within the specified time period.
The journal offers no fee-based service. Attempting to offer a fee to a journal employee constitutes unethical behavior, and the manuscript is immediately rejected.
Revenue Sources
The publication of the journal is financed by the funds of the Founder (Togliatti State University).
Preprint and Postprint Policy
The material submitted by the author should not have been previously published in other printed publications or sent to other editors. If the author has posted his/her paper and additional materials to it (figures, tables, appendices, etc.) on personal or public websites before its submission or at any time before publication in the “Digital Economy & Innovations” journal, he/she undertakes to notify the editors about this fact. In case of failure to notify, the journal editors reserve the right to reject the received materials.
Policy for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence
Currently, technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly developing, and many authors use generative artificial intelligence when writing scientific papers. The "Digital Economy & Innovations" journal has established rules for the use of artificial intelligence, which will be revised if necessary.
Use of generative artificial intelligence and tools with its support in writing a manuscript
This policy is applied exclusively to the process of writing a manuscript and does not concern the use of AI for data analysis during the study.
Purpose of using artificial intelligence
Authors can use generative artificial intelligence and AI tools only for linguistic processing of their manuscripts and improving their readability. The author must carefully check and edit the results.
Responsibility and Information Disclosure
Only the authors are responsible for the content of their work. If an author used AI tools, he/she must inform of this. Information about the use of AI tools will be written in the paper to maintain transparency and trust between the author, the editors, and readers.
Artificial Intelligence and Authorship
An author must be a human. Artificial intelligence cannot be an author or co-author. An author must ensure that his/her work is original, meets ethical standards, and does not violate the rights of third parties.
No Generating or Modifying Images with AI Tools
Using generative artificial intelligence or AI tools to create, modify, or process images in manuscripts is prohibited. Brightness, contrast, and color balance adjustments are permitted only if they do not distort the presented data. Exceptions are cases when AI is part of the research methodology, which is described in detail in the Methods section, including the name and characteristics of the AI tool used.
It is prohibited to upload a manuscript (or any part of it) under review by a Reviewer to AI tools, since the manuscript is a confidential document, and uploading it to AI may violate the authors’ intellectual property rights. Using generative AI for writing scientific reviews is strictly prohibited, since the process of analyzing a manuscript requires reflection and critical thinking, which is not available for AI tools. The reviewer is fully responsible for the review content.
All manuscripts sent to the editors are confidential documents. When uploading a manuscript to generative AI or its tools, the manuscript confidentiality and the authors’ rights may be violated, therefore it is forbidden editors from using AI and its tools to evaluate and edit the manuscript. It is prohibited to use AI tools for making editorial decisions. Only editor can make all decisions on accepting, revising or rejecting a manuscript. The editor is fully responsible for the editorial process and making final decisions.
Artificial intelligence in editorial tools
It is allowed to use safe artificial intelligence technologies to check the completeness of the manuscript, detect plagiarism and find suitable reviewers, if confidentiality standards are met.