Digital Economy & Innovations

Peer-reviewed scholarly journal published quarterly since 2010.


Publisher & Founder

Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia



Mikhail M. Krishtal
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
 ResearcherID ORCID



Languages: Russian, English.

Periodicity: quarterly  (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 30).

There are no publication fees or fees payable to authors.

The Journal offers authors direct open access to its content.

The journal is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Journals of Higher Attestation Commission, and the research results of a DSc or CSc thesis are recommended to be published in the journal.

For the Russian Science Citation Index, full bibliographic description of all papers are indexed and listed in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU.

Five-year 2022 Russian Science Citation Index Impact Factor is 0.373 (with no self citations).

Before March 2024 - Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Economics and Management.

The Subjects of Publishing

Journal “Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Economics and Management” accepts papers in the field “Economical Sciences”.

The journal publishes original papers in the following areas:

  • 5.2.3. Regional and Industrial Economics (Economics)
  • 5.2.4. Finance (Economics)
  • 5.2.5. World Economy (Economics)

Current Issue

No 4 (2024)

Full Issue

Identifying financial crises in turbulence conditions
Valinurova L.S., Konovalova M.E., Kuzmina O.Y.

Globalization of world economic relations contributes to the spread of crises between countries, turning local crises into global phenomena. Currently, there is no standardized approach to calculating the indicators of financial crisis identification. This limits significantly the qualitative analysis of the consequences of financial crises and does not allow obtaining a significant positive effect from the implementation of measures of the state financial policy. The key task set by the authors of the study is to develop a standardized approach to identifying financial crises, which will allow the most effective implementation of anti-crisis measures of state regulation of financial relations. The authors made an attempt to study the factors of financial crises, identify patterns of crisis processes in Russia and abroad, assess existing methods for identifying financial crises, substantiate the necessary measures to predict financial crises in order to prevent possible negative consequences. The study identified the key factors of financial crises in different periods of socio-economic development of Russia, among which one can note the lack of liquidity, political instability, stock market volatility, and a significant reduction in investment demand. The authors emphasize that financial crises mainly arise as a result of the impact of exogenous factors, various internal problems just aggravate the course of a crisis caused by external reasons. The authors proposed the method for calculating a generalized indicator of financial crisis identification that can be considered a result of practical significance.

Digital Economy & Innovations. 2024;(4):5-13
pages 5-13 views
Methodology for a multifactorial assessment of the financial accessibility indicator in the context of Russian economy
Kurilova A.A.

The problem of the study is related to the unevenness of financial accessibility in the regions of Russia, which hinders the development of financial inclusion and increases socio-economic imbalances. Multivariable estimate of financial accessibility is key to understanding the quality of life of the population and the state as a whole, as well as the level of digital transformation of society. The objective of the study is to develop a methodology for a multifactorial assessment of the financial accessibility index to identify the key factors influencing its development and analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics in Russian regions. The research methodology is based on the application of the principal component analysis (PCA), which ensures objective data aggregation. The study is based on 479 indicators covering infrastructure, demand and qualitative aspects of financial accessibility for the period of 2016–2022. The data source was official materials of the Central Bank of Russia. The results showed that the main drivers of financial accessibility are the development of the network of credit institutions, digitalization of financial services and improvement of the quality of service. Nevertheless, significant regional disparity remains, requiring targeted solutions and taking into account regional specifics to stimulate sustainable economic growth and improve the well-being of the population. The most significant of the 479 factors analyzed are the number of active credit institutions, the share of the adult population using at least one open personal account in a credit institution, and the number of complaints from consumers of financial services. The findings confirm the importance of a multifactorial approach to assessing financial accessibility. The results of the study can be used to develop government programs aimed at leveling regional differences and increasing financial inclusion.

Digital Economy & Innovations. 2024;(4):15-27
pages 15-27 views
Assessment of the level of sustainable development of regional industry using business statistics indicators
Laskova D.S.

At the present stage of development of the economic space of the Russian Federation under the restrictions associated with the implementation of the special military operation, the industrial sector is the key element for progress. For the successful functioning of the economic system, both the dynamic prospects for industrial growth rates and the stability of these rates are important. On a scale of Russia, the effectiveness of the economy is ensured by the regions. The work deals with assessing the level of sustainable development of regional enterprises of the industrial sector using business statistics indicators. The factors influencing strategic planning and industry management are revealed. The author substantiated the use of business indicators in the analysis of the level of industrial development sustainability in the regional context using the K-means clustering method. The paper presents the author’s vision of the influence of domestic industrial areas and clusters on the assessment of the sustainability level. The author proposed the concept of assessing the levels of sustainable industrial development in regions based on a system of indicators formed from groups of business statistics indicators. Based on quantitative calculations of cluster analysis for the selected business indicators, five groups of regions with different levels of sustainable industrial development are identified. Comparing with a map of industrial territories of Russia and an atlas of industry, the inclusion of regions with industrial zones and clusters in them is analyzed. The identified comparisons reflect the proximity of the conducted assessment of the levels of sustainable industrial development of regions to the real situation. The results obtained can be used both when forming and implementing an industrial policy for each individual region and when creating and managing interregional industrial projects.

Digital Economy & Innovations. 2024;(4):29-40
pages 29-40 views