- Authors: Gafurova G.T.1
- V.G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University, Kazan
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 11-19
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 116
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Over the last years in the system of general education, the situation has arisen when the employees' working environment and their salary fail to meet formal requirements of the legislation. The growth of salaries is either missing or accompanied by the growth of the intensity of work of a teacher. The paper studies the issues of payment for work on the example of two educational institutions of Kazan based on the comparative analysis of the environment the institutions work. The author studied the performance indicators of a general education school and a gymnasium and, on the basis of them, formulated the main problems in the financing and the educational services quality assurance. It is determined that, compared to a state-financed institution, an autonomous institution gets an opportunity to ensure the growth of salary of teachers at the expense of the profits gained in the result of rendering paid services. However, the type of institution influences the amount of financing and, consequently, the salary due to the differences in the financial security standards.
Based on the data on forty schools of Kazan, the author created a two-factor model of the influence of the labor intensity of a teacher and the type of educational institution on the payment for work. On the basis of calculations, it is determined that the type of institution, in spite of the moderate relation with the dependent variable, gives the significant growth in the payment for work at the institution, while the growth of teacher’s load influences it much less. It is determined as well that, in the result of the growth of labor intensity at the gymnasium, the results of the unified state exams worsen. On the base of the analysis, the author formulates the main recommendations for the educational institutions in order to improve the operating efficiency and to bring the level of payment for work into accordance with the conditions of carrying on the educational activities.
About the authors
Gulnara Talgatovna Gafurova
V.G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University, Kazan
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair “Finance and Credit”
Russian FederationReferences
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