- Authors: Gibadullin A.A.1
- State University of Management, Moscow Moscow Technological Institute, Moscow
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 20-25
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 117
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The paper considers the issues of ensuring the efficiency of production processes that dominate both at the level of economic entities and at the level of the national economy as a whole. The study identified that the modern electric power industry strives to match the existing development trends. The electric power complex of the Russian Federation was born in the Soviet Union period and the productive potential formed in those times is still being used. During the revival and until 2008, the electric power complex was fully governed by the state, and the plans had generally the prescriptive nature that allowed achieving certain success in the electric power industry. Using the economic-statistical and comparative methods, the author analyzed the capital assets of the electric power complex and, as a result, identified the fall in the efficiency of capital assets and the disequilibrium of the complex as a whole. This fact is manifested in the fall in reliability and continuity of the power supply, as well as in the reduction of innovative activity of the electric power enterprises and the investment revenues in the electric power industry. The identified issues allowed the author to determine the factors influencing the efficiency of capital assets and the system equilibrium which were divided into two groups – the factors of functioning and development of the production capacities of the electric power complex. The study proposes the model of increasing the efficiency of capital assets of the electric power companies that, in the author’s opinion, will allow achieving the fulfillment of the objectives raised before the industry and forming the future potential of the electric power complex.
About the authors
Artur Arturovich Gibadullin
State University of Management, MoscowMoscow Technological Institute, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair of Economics and Management of Fuel and Energy Complex, assistant professor of Chair of Power Engineering
Russian FederationReferences
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