- Authors: Suvorova A.V.1
- Institute of Economics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 46-51
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukieconomika.ru/jour/article/view/121
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2221-5689-2018-3-46-51
- ID: 121
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In the modern conditions, Russian strategic planning system undergoes significant changes motivated both by the introduction of new factors influencing the development of global economic and social systems and by the innovations in the legislation caused by the entry into force of federal law “Concerning the strategic planning in the Russian Federation” and the subordinate acts associated with it. In this regard, it remains currently important to consider special aspects of the process of transformation of regional strategic planning systems (both as related to the regulatory framework of their functioning specified by the regional legislation and from the perspective of content of the main strategic, forward-looking, planned, and programmatic documents) under the influence of these changes. The paper describes the results of the quality assessment of the system of strategic planning documents formed in the Big Urals regions. At the first stage of the study, for each studied territorial entity of the RF, the revision of availability of the key strategic planning documents of regional level, the development of which is provided by the federal law No. 172-FZ was carried out. At the second stage, the author determined the degree of the conformity of the developed documents to the federal legislation (as related to the main requirements applicable to the informative elements of the documents). At the third stage, the author assessed the conformity of the developed documents to the main elements of the strategic planning system determined in the RF and to each other. The study allowed identifying the degree of adaptation of the Ural regions to the changing conditions (firstly, to the transformation of the normative base of the Russian system) and comparing the RF territorial entities to each other proceeding from the specificity of carrying out the process of modification of the existing system of the strategic planning documents. The identifying of the unconformity of the majority of strategies and prognoses developed in the regions exposed to the diagnostics to the requirements of legislation and the objectives specified in the documents of the upper level became the result of the assessment carried out during the study.
About the authors
Arina Valerievna Suvorova
Institute of Economics of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, YekaterinburgUral State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg
Author for correspondence.
Email: gotika.bell@mail.ru
PhD (Economics), senior researcher of Center of Productive Forces Development and Allocation, assistant professor of Chair of Regional, Municipal Economics and Management
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