- Authors: Tikhonov A.I.1, Sazonov A.A.1
- Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 52-58
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 122
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The paper deals with the comprehensive assessment of the prospects of development of import substitution in the modern aviation industry of Russia. The authors of the paper systematize the existing problems in the development of the aviation industry and determine the level of its dependence on foreign materials and components. The process of import substitution carried out by the leading aviation enterprises of Russia is considered in detail. The paper presents the detailed analysis of the industry taking into account the systemic risk factors. The authors identify the key goal set for the industry in the framework of the state program, which is the creation of the highly competitive aviation industry and consolidation of its position in the world market as a third manufacturer in terms of production of aircraft. The main tasks necessary for the development of the aviation industry within the conditions of import substitution are identified. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the challenges of the development of the import substitution process in the aviation industry, taking into account time factors. The authors analyze the measures of state support proposed by the government of the Russian Federation distinguishing the key groups of activities presented in the framework of the state program “The development of industry and improving its competitiveness for the period up to 2020”. The implementation process of the state program “The development of industry and improving its competitiveness for the period up to 2020” distinguishing the key groups of activities and the forward-looking support measures, taking into account the phased financing, is presented in detail. The results of the implementation of the state program that will allow giving the necessary impetus to the processes of modernization and diversification of the Russian economy, which will significantly reduce its dependence on the external fluctuations and changes, are identified. The authors of the paper come to the conclusion that the implementation of the state program and the development of import substitution are a multiplicative effect that affects the related sectors of the economy and leads to the emergence of additional incentives for the development of the research and development works.
About the authors
Aleksey Ivanovich Tikhonov
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Director of Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanities
Russian FederationAndrey Aleksandrovich Sazonov
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “Management and Marketing of High-Technology Industries”
Russian FederationReferences
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