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The research is aimed at the study of the economic advantages when organizing the combined production of electric and thermal energy. According to the authors, the development and economic justification of the solutions in the production of energy products in the conditions of structural transformation of the electric power system and further development of distributed energy production in Russia are the fundamental strategies of the industry. The purpose of the research is to form the key indicators characterizing the economic efficiency of heat energy generation schemes and the security of energy products.

To prove the final results, the authors applied the comparative analysis of the options of thermal schemes used in the energy sector. The authors analyze the competitive technologies of combined production of electric and thermal energy. The analysis of economic data, such as the capacity and heat load, and the indicators of the effectiveness of used heat schemes is carried out. The comparative analysis of the options proves the role of gas turbine cogeneration power plants when decentralizing the energy systems in the context of energy security of the regions of the country. The study analyzed the key problems of the decentralization and designing of the energy system. The authors designed the criteria selection model using the algorithm of the “Thermoflow” software package allowing developing the criteria. Using the obtained criteria, the authors carried out the comparative analysis of the proposed solutions and concluded about their comparative economic effectiveness from the position of the selected evaluation criteria.

The results of the study allow the authors to specify the advantages of the analyzed variants of heat schemes and develop more efficient schemes of the organization of a heating gas turbine cogeneration unit to operate in the context of the open energy market.

About the authors

Evgeniy Mikhailovich Lisin

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow


PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair “Economics in Power Engineering and Industry”

Russian Federation

Vladimir Olegovich Kindra

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow


postgraduate student of Chair “Thermal Power Plants”

Russian Federation

Yuliya Stanislavovna Marishkina

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow


аспирант кафедры «Экономика в энергетике и промышленности»

Russian Federation

Yuliya Alekseevna Anisimova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair “Finance and Credit”

Russian Federation


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