- Authors: Sorokin M.A.1, Shishkina O.V.2, Sorokin A.M.3
- Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok
- Russian Customs Academy, Lyubertsy
- Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, Moscow
- Issue: No 4 (2016)
- Pages: 88-93
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 196
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The relevance of the research is determined by the necessity for the development of approaches to the efficiency evaluation of rendering the government services in customs control of the goods containing intellectual property items, in the conditions of the developing innovative economy in general and while forming the civilized market of the rights to intellectual property items, in particular. The complexity of such assessment is explained by the dual nature of the customs protection of the rights to intellectual property items, and by the difference in subjects’ interests that interact in the course of such protection. The paper proves the fact that it is impossible to evaluate the efficiency of customs control over the goods containing intellectual property items as the government service in the “costs – results” taxonomical terms. The authors emphasize that such assessment requires mandatory consideration of interests of the key participants of the customs protection process: the government, customs declarants, rights holders, and customs authorities. It becomes obvious that in the course of transboundary movement of goods the specified subjects have practically opposite interests. Nonetheless, based on the particular priority of each participant, the authors suggest ranking the importance of the customs transactions speed, the effectiveness of customs control as well as finance and time expenditures and other costs of customs control implementation and the associated activities. The paper describes positive effects that can be received through improvement of rendering the government services in customs protection of the rights to intellectual property items, namely: increase in number of the rendered services while preserving the amount of financing, increase in number of the actual receivers of the government services, increase in effectiveness of the government services, increase in collecting the customs charges. The defined positive effects should promote the potential development of the government sector of services in the considered field.
About the authors
Mikhail Afanasievich Sorokin
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Vladivostok
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of Master’s program department
Russian FederationOlga Vladimirovna Shishkina
Russian Customs Academy, Lyubertsy
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Customs Transactions and Customs Control
Russian FederationAleksey Mikhailovich Sorokin
Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, Moscow
applicant of Chair of Management of intellectual property
Russian FederationReferences
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