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In the modern post-industrial paradigm of regional development, a priority issue is the formation of a spatial environment to implement the intellectual and innovative resources of enterprises, which will maximize the economic potential of the territory. The organization of territorial innovation clusters is in the focus of the attention of the governments of the world powers. The clustering of the economy contributes to increasing competitiveness and stimulating the country's innovative development. The paper considers clusters as a priority form of organization and development of the socio-economic environment of the region in the context of digital transformations. The study presents the theoretical basis for the formation of a territorial innovation cluster. The author determined the areas of theoretical research of economic environment: geopolitical development, placement of production factors, and socio-economic development of regions. The study presents the classification of the approaches to the areas of theoretical research of regional development. The paper identifies the main features of modern territorial innovation clusters and highlights the main features of cluster formations. The author notes the possibility of successful interaction of competing companies within a cluster. The author considers synergy in the field of research and development work as the most important effect of the functioning of clusters. The innovation component is defined as the main characteristics of the cluster since it is the focus on creating a new product that determines its competitiveness. Based on the analysis of the works of foreign and domestic scientists who studied the problem of clustering, the author clarifies the definition of an innovation cluster in the digital economy. The author presents the concept of the innovative cluster architecture in the digital economy, defines the conditions for the success of its functioning, and describes the nature of the interaction of cluster members in the context of digital transformations. The author justifies the necessity of using the “Industry 4.0” key technologies in their activities. The paper studies the current trends of state policy in the sphere of innovative development. The author considers the goal and shows the effectiveness of the implementation of the program to support pilot territorial innovation clusters.

About the authors

E. A. Borgardt

Togliatti State University

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Economics), assistant professor of the Department of Undergraduate Studies (Economic and Management Programs)

Russian Federation


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