The development of temporary accommodation and food services in the context of structural transformation of the economy of Belarus
- Authors: Kozlovskaya M.V.1
- Belarus State Economic University, Minsk
- Issue: No 3 (2023)
- Pages: 5-14
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 807
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Temporary accommodation and food services are the driver of the development of service industry in many countries. In this regard, the issue of assessing the development of these services for further forecasting and modeling is relevant. At the same time, the continuous process of economic transformation complicates an accurate and objective assessment of the development of services at the macro level. The study covers the development of a methodology for assessing the development of temporary accommodation and food services in the context of the structural transformation of the economy. The methodology was formed as a result of the analysis of international experience in assessing the development of services in the hospitality industry and in the tourism industry as a whole. The developed methodology involves defining the evaluation goal, identifying the groups of indicators characterizing the development of temporary accommodation and food services and structural transformation of the economy, distinguishing indicators within each group, their standardization and calculation of a complex index of the development of temporary accommodation and food services. Thus, the result of the assessment is an index that considers 15 indicators grouped into 5 blocks and reflects the level of the development of temporary accommodation and food services, taking into account the structural transformation of the economy. The obtained methodology was applied for the Republic of Belarus in the whole and for its individual regions, which allowed assessing the level and dynamics of the development of temporary accommodation and food services in each region of the country.
About the authors
Margarita Viktorovna Kozlovskaya
Belarus State Economic University, Minsk
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0002-9009-6212
master, postgraduate student of Chair of Managerial Economics of Tourism Industry
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