Organization of a strategic planning system for the development of the agricultural sector of the region: methodological aspects
- Authors: Kholodova M.A.1
- Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center, Rassvet village
- Issue: No 3 (2023)
- Pages: 47-58
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 810
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The paper considers the methodological aspects of organizing a strategic planning system for the development of the agricultural sector. The actualization of issues of organizing a strategic planning system for the agricultural sector is caused by the fact that the strategic planning system has a well-developed regulatory basis at the federal level, while there is no unified system of documents for strategic planning of industry development at the regional level. Currently, the strategic planning system does not have strategic documents related to the spatial development of regions, their agrofood complex, rural areas, and technical and technological development of agriculture. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological approaches to organizing a system of strategic planning for the development of the agricultural sector in the region. The paper analyzes a set of documents of the strategic planning system of the agricultural sector at the federal level, which is based on strategies and concepts, forecasts, and programs. The author proposes a system of documents for strategic development planning in relation to the agricultural sector of the region. The paper presents a comprehensive methodological approach to organizing a system of strategic planning for the development of the regional agricultural sector, which involves distinguishing the following main stages: strategic analysis; substantiation of the goals and objectives of spatial and sectorial development of the agricultural sector and their formalization; justification of priority sectors of agricultural production; forecasting the volume of agricultural production and agricultural sector resourcing; assessing the level of food self-sufficiency in the region and forecasting the development of the regional agrofood market. The author paid particular attention to design methods of the strategic planning system at the regional level. The procedure for selecting projects ensuring the implementation of agricultural development programs is justified. The paper proposes a procedure for selecting projects developed at the level of business entities and selected for financing based on a comprehensive assessment of their effectiveness. A comprehensive assessment of the projects’ effectiveness involves the use of criteria reflecting their budgetary, commercial and social effectiveness.
About the authors
Marina Aleksandrovna Kholodova
Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center, Rassvet village
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9808-8263
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, leading researcher of the Department “Agriculture-Based Economy and Standards”
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