Analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in economic sectors and the system of regional executive power of the Russian Federation

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Announced as part of the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly in February 2024, the Data Economy national project defines the demand for artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the system of public administration, economic sectors and business activities. AI technology is increasingly penetrating business activities, production processes, and the system of public administration, creating the need to improve methods for assessing its impact on economic development. The goal of the work is to supplement the methodological tools for assessing the level of use of AI in the economy of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is the use of AI in certain sectors of the economy and regions. The subject of the study is the interrelation between the balanced income of economic sectors, regions of the Russian Federation and indicators of the use of AI in entrepreneurship and public administration practice. The work considers AI not as a separate branch of the economy, but as a technology that, in turn, has an impact on the development of individual industries and regions. The author identified a direct dependence of the positive financial results of the activities of individual sectors of the economy, regions and the use of AI technology in them. The study shows that regions and industries with a relatively more favorable financial position use AI more actively. On the one hand, this creates opportunities for the development of industries and regions; on the other hand, it creates a lag in the application of AI technology. The obtained result is applicable in the system of state planning, determining priorities for economic development of both individual industries and the economy as a whole.


About the authors

Evgeny Pavlovich Eroshenko

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4373-8414

PhD (Economics), assistant professor at the Institute of Economics and Management

Russian Federation, 620002, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Mira Street, 19


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