- Authors: Shatalov M.A.1
- Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law, Voronezh
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 59-64
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 123
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This paper covers the study of such an important part of the regional economic policy as the national economic planning and the methods of its analytical and prognostic substantiation. The author defines the framework for the application and further development of management philosophy of the prognostic work within the system of tools of the society modernization process and pays special attention to the scientifically grounded forecasting preparation of decision-making, which becomes one of the determining factors for the sustainable development of enterprises, industries, complexes, and regions. The author continues the research on the substantiation of tools for monitoring and forecasting of the development of Russian regions on the basis of the creative application and further improvement of basic provisions, and, first of all, the provisions on the unity of forecast and strategy, scientific foresight and active formation of new economic relations at the regional level. The integration scheme of the sustainable development estimated figures in the strategy of economic development of the regional economic systems is proposed. The author substantiates the tools of sustainable development forecasting, among which are the following: the forecasting technique, i.e., the characteristics of the most important methods in their internal interrelation; the application of forecasting techniques to the analysis of the problems of the development of technical and economic systems (forecasting modeling); the estimation of the forecasts’ reliability. The sustainable development of a territory is considered by the author as the technology of the deliberate progress within the society-nature-economy system taking into account the institutional environment. The author proposes the set of indicators for the current situation assessment and the forecasting of a territory from the perspective of sustainable development.
About the authors
Maksim Aleksandrovich Shatalov
Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law, Voronezh
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of Research Department
Russian FederationReferences
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