- Authors: Kravtsova M.V.1
- National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
- Issue: No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 11-16
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 125
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The paper considers and implements a serving system on the example of a particular management task of the system of a public transport bus run. This system plays the important role in the sphere of economics and everyday life where, on the one hand, mass requirements for the performance of certain services occur, and, on the other hand, these requests are being satisfied. The author determined the principles of the operational efficiency of the system, which affect the optimization of traffic flow, defined the basic elements and developed the algorithm of work of the system with the formation of input and output data. The paper formulates the economic and mathematical model, where with the help of specially developed software code and using the possibilities of C++ tools, the modeling happens, particularly, in terms of satisfaction of passenger requirements coming into this system. Special features are taken into account within the computer program that makes the simulation model an effective tool for decision-making in the conditions of uncertainty. In addition to the description of the model, the paper presents the results of the calculations in graphical and tabular views to use them for the visual demonstration of the options of the situation results. The simulation model, which imitates the passenger pick-up and drop-off, is designed to collect the queue statistics and to find the random variable distribution. According to the results of the study, the solution of the task for simulation of the events at the bus stop is received. This model gives an opportunity to plan the events at the bus stop in order to achieve the uniformity of load and the route dynamism, to identify the capacity problems that have the negative impact on the transport cycle operation.
About the authors
Margarita Vladislavovna Kravtsova
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student
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