- Authors: Voskolovich N.A.1, Marin N.G.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
- Issue: No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 12-18
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 147
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The relevance of the issue under the study is caused by the processes taking place within the world tourism: on the one hand, by the differentiation of kinds of tourism and the growth of a great variety of suggested tourism products and services laying the groundwork for the representative selection, on the other hand, by the widening of the information technologies application allowing potential tourists to organize trips without assistance. The paper gives the review of Russian and foreign experience on the study of this issue. The authors consider the special aspects of traditional network technologies, such as banner advertising, bulk emailing, contextual and direct advertising on websites, tourist agents’ websites, and evaluate their usability based on the materials of the selective survey. During the study, it was determined that the insufficient attention to the issues of promotion, including by the use of information technologies, holds the moving to the completely new level of development of ecological tourism. The authors summarized the progressive experience of Sweden – one of the world’s leader in the organization of the ecological tourism promotion by creating its sustainable image based on the certification of tourism resources and the use of national Internet portal.
Based on the analysis, the authors prove the reasonability of more active promotion and popularization of the ecological tourism services by creating the single all-Russian system for tourism services booking and payment, mobile application with the access to the universal national Internet portal, online services booking and payment. The results of the analysis show the necessity of closer attention to the ecological tourism on the regional level in the target programs and cluster projects.
About the authors
Nina Aleksandrovna Voskolovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), professor of Chair of Labour Economics and Personnel, Faculty of Economics
Russian FederationNikita Gennadievich Marin
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
graduate student, Faculty of Economics
Russian FederationReferences
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