- Authors: Korkin V.S.1, Lisin E.M.1, Anisimova Y.A.2
- National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 4 (2016)
- Pages: 43-48
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 189
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The issues of the innovations diffusion at the enterprise are caused by the specific feature of the economic growth at the modern stage. The authors note that the creation and development of the innovative environment at an enterprise is aimed at the strategic objectives to improve its competitiveness in the market conditions. As the application of the research results in the main production and business processes is in line with the objective of getting economic benefit, the innovations become a significant element in the enterprise’s activity.
The paper presents the analysis of the models of the innovations diffusion to study the driving rate of the technologies introduction at the enterprises with complex management structure. The authors reveal the concept of “innovations diffusion” as the process that diffuses the innovations in the enterprise’s branches using the existing contacts and relations in public production. The authors pay special attention to the basic principles of diffusion of innovations at the enterprise. The velocity of the innovations diffusion at the enterprise’s units becomes the key factor. Based on the analysis of works of Russian and foreign researchers, the authors highlight the most important principles of creation of the innovations diffusion system.
The paper presents the analysis of the known economic-mathematical methods of description of the innovations diffusion and gives their interpretations. Based on the most common models, such as the model of diffusion of E. Rogers, the authors describe the process of the innovations diffusion at the enterprise and present the model of new products distribution of F. Bass, the model of diffusion of L. Fourth and D. Woodlock. The E. Mansfield’s model of diffusion justifies the state support of the innovative activity in the diffusion of innovations and the innovative activity of the enterprises. Using the models under consideration, the paper highlights the main factors determining the pace and the scale of the innovations diffusion of in at an enterprise.
About the authors
Vladislav Sergeevich Korkin
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow
postgraduate student of Chair “Economics in Power Engineering and Industry”
Russian FederationEvgeny Mikhailovich Lisin
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow
PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair “Economics in Power Engineering and Industry”
Russian FederationYuliya Alekseevna Anisimova
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), assistant professor of Chair “Finance and Credit”
Russian FederationReferences
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