- Authors: Surudina A.S.1
- Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
- Issue: No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 71-76
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 233
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The paper covers the problem of restructuring of nonperforming loans of commercial banks. The author gives the definition of restructuring under which an agreement between the commercial bank and the borrower is understood that contains the information on the new scheme of redemption of the borrower financial liability. The paper presents the review of the procedure of work with nonperforming loans for the restructuring purposes and considers the main causes and objectives of restructuring of nonperforming liability from the point of view of a creditor (commercial bank) and from the point of view of a debtor (borrower). Moreover, the author gives the analysis of the main instruments used in the process of nonperforming loans restructuring and considers the procedure of repayment holiday, the increase of repayment period, and the re-schedule of payments. Based on the analysis of existing instruments, the author concluded about the non-payment root causes and supposed that while restructuring the mortgage payments schedule, the creditor and the borrower are interested in the fact that the schedule would be acceptable for the borrower while retaining the existing balance of interests of the creditor and the borrower. Moreover, the paper describes the existing approaches to the loan value determination (the individual case of the mortgage loans): the variable payments and the reducing payments. The author presents the quantitative analysis showing the influence of restructuring on the loan value, which allows to make a conclusion that the prolongation of repayment period causes the overpayment, or in other words, the cost of the long-term loan (mortgage) servicing increases if the term of repayment increases.
About the authors
Anastasia Sergeevna Surudina
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
post-graduate student
Russian FederationReferences
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