- Authors: Shchebarova N.N.1
- Murmansk Academy of Economics and Management, Murmansk
- Issue: No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 84-91
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukieconomika.ru/jour/article/view/235
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2221-5689-2016-1-84-91
- ID: 235
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The paper analyzes the evolution of economic doctrines of the essence of the economy openness and the necessity of protectionist security of its certain industries and sectors. The author proves the necessity of determination of balance between the tools of economy openness and protectionism in the state foreign economic policy. Based on the historical overview and understanding of foreign trade theories, the author proved that the choice between the policy of open economy or protectionism while managing foreign economic relations in their uncompromising variants was typical for previous centuries. Nowadays, these two approaches are interrelated and mutually essential. The issue of the interrelation common mechanisms should be considered principally in the context of historical moment and place of a country in the international differentiation of labour. In this regard, it was proved that the strengthening of protectionist measures by Russia is reasonable in the period of economy crisis and anti-Russian sanctions. At the same time, the paper shows that the protectionist security, whichever reasonable and effective it happened to be, cannot cancel the necessity of implementation of macroeconomic policy tasks directed at the restructuring in the near future of export-oriented and import substitution enterprises.
The author proves that the artificial safeguard from foreign competition reduces motivation for the improvement of domestic production efficiency, encroaches on consumer interests, and leads to the strengthening of inflation development in the domestic market. As the result, the author developed and proved scientifically the proposals on correcting foreign policy of Russia from the perspective of balance between the economy openness and protectionism. The paper draws the conclusions on the predominance of the concept considering the national economy as an open economy focused on the foreign market.
About the authors
Natalya Nikolaevna Shchebarova
Murmansk Academy of Economics and Management, Murmansk
Author for correspondence.
Email: censey@mail.ru
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), professor of Chair “Economics, Management and Finance”
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