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One of the important for global economy directions of energy efficiency improvement implemented in modern conditions is the development of the demand side response technologies. At the end-user level, the demand side response is carried out through the mechanism of price-dependent custom load management based on the change of operating schedule of manufacturing equipment functioning at the sites of industrial enterprises and large energy consumers. Management of load curves of individual energy-intensive production facilities should be carried out based on the application of manufacturing planning methods. The goal of the paper is to study the possibility of application of the linear programming methods to select optimal operating process schedule during price-dependent custom load management using the example of an existent industrial enterprise. The analysis of current manufacturing planning methods allowed identifying that, in the conditions of global industry digitalization, the economic and mathematical methods are essential. The most relevant of them is the linear programming method allowing considering flexible price-dependent custom load management. The paper presents the results of the practical evaluation of manufacturing planning model developed by the author based on the linear programming method using the example of the quenching furnaces plant within an industrial enterprise. As the result of calculations, the author modeled the electrical energy cost at the basic scenario of work of the quenching furnaces plant when applying simulation model parameters to the variants of plant’s operation in the first, second or third shift. The results of calculation of the model’s parameters allowed identifying that while the quenching furnaces plant maintains the plan performance volumes, the cost of electric power procurement decreases as relating to the functioning of the plant according to the basic scenario: in the first shift - by 4.2 %, in the second shift - by 24.2 %, and in the third shift - by 57.6 %. This shows the importance of both theoretical and practical results of the study.

About the authors

A. P. Dzyuba

South Ural State University (National Research University)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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