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The transition to the digital economy, the intensification, and globalization of the business digital transformation trend influence the changes and the possibility of applying many traditional technologies and methodologies, including project management. Managing business digital transformation projects faces many challenges and issues, taking into account the fact that digital transformation is a constant process. The paper presents the analysis of the application of the traditional, agile, and hybrid approaches to project administration. The author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing approaches to project management and proposed using a hybrid approach to manage business digital transformation projects as one of the principal management tools while forming a digital transformation project management strategy. The paper considers the methodological support for project management and proposes the options for implementing a hybrid approach. The author developed the system for evaluating projects, which is based on the existing estimation models and takes into account the specifics of business digital transformation projects and the recommendations and explanations stated by the PMI experts in the Agile ruling documents. The proposed evaluation system will simplify the process of selecting the most efficient combination of the traditional and agile approaches, which is necessary to increase the manageability of the processes of developing the products and solutions in the sphere of digital transformation. The proposed criteria system can be used as an element of the knowledge subsystem of a project team and a project office that will significantly simplify and speed up the management decision-making process and make it more clearly arranged.

About the authors

Y. S. Mitrofanova

Togliatti State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: yana_1979@list.ru
Russian Federation


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