- Authors: Gorlenko O.A.1, Mozhaeva T.P.1
- Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk
- Issue: No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 13-18
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 133
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In the new version of ISO 9000 standard of 2015 edition, the replacement of preventive actions of the previous standard for risks management took place. To be the advanced tool of management of risks related to the QMS processes, SWOT-analysis can be considered that is recommended by the international ISO 31000 standards including the general instructions for identifying, management and selection of risk estimation methods. However, the traditional SWOT-analysis technique has a number of disadvantages. In particular, it has practically no formalization methods when estimating and selecting the external and internal factors of influence of the environment on an organization in the context of risks and opportunities for the development strategies formation created by them that increases the complexity of their implementation and decreases the credibility of obtained data. The solution of this issue is possible on the base of the procedure of integration of FMEA methodology and SWOT-analysis elements offered in this paper in order to prove statistically the influence of risks and opportunities caused by the environment on the processes management in the QMS of an organization. The procedure is aimed both at the estimation of risks influence on the object under the study that is generally typical for the majority of techniques applied today and at the estimation of the opportunities resulting from the processes management. The approach considered allows identifying the priority risks and opportunities influencing the QMS processes management based on the statistical validity of their selection that improves the reliability of data obtained in the result of the study.
About the authors
Oleg Aleksandrovich Gorlenko
Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Head of Department of quality of education at the university
Russian FederationTatiana Petrovna Mozhaeva
Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of Department of normative documents
Russian FederationReferences
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