- Authors: Burtsevа K.Y.1
- Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
- Issue: No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 5-9
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 211
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Taking into account the requirements and interests of the stakeholders, the universities can increase the interest, the trust, and the loyalty. In this paper, the concept of stakeholders is applied to the universities’ activity. The author considers one of the most problematic issues of the relations between the university and the stakeholders associated with the absence of a mechanism for collecting, recording and analysis of the informative data required by each party for the assessment of the level of the requirements satisfaction. The study of the theoretical and practical experience of the stakeholder approach application allowed identifying the main stakeholders of the university and dividing them into groups. Applying the process and stakeholder approaches to the universities’ activity (educational and research), the author divided the stakeholders according to the blocks of the process: input, output, control, resources and built up the block scheme of the university activity process reflecting the stakeholders. The author suggested solving the problem of the absence of the system for the information collection, recording and evaluation in the regulation of interrelations between the university and the stakeholders and the forming of a system of the information exchange and providing reliable data from stakeholders basing on the construction of the university activity control system. The system will resolve the issues of creating of high-quality and reliable information base providing analytical support for management decisions being made in order to ensure the sustainable development of the university, the growth of its activity performance indicators and the international competitiveness improving. All these can be achieved using the suggested guidelines for the development of methods and tools for feedback with the stakeholders including the identification of risks and the establishment of control measures.
About the authors
Kseniya Yurievna Burtsevа
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, doctoral candidate of Chair “Audit and Control”
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