Digital platforms: the analysis of assets control, transactions nature, and value creation
- Authors: Pozhidaev R.G.1
- Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Issue: No 2 (2022)
- Pages: 36-43
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 248
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The sharp scaling of activities and the growth of capitalization of digital platforms, their rapid penetration into new markets determine the relevance of their study as the basis of digital economy. However, despite the growing number of publications on digital platforms, there is no common developed approach to understanding the laws and models of their activities. The paper considers the specifics of digital platforms, places emphasis on the general economic level of the analysis. As the main characteristics for this level of analysis, the author defined the following: the process of creating value, the nature and objects of transactions, the structure and content of assets, the control of resources and property rights. The author considers them as having no internal hierarchy, but being interrelated and complementary. The analysis of characteristics is preceded by the introductory provisions explaining the special aspects of comparison, terminology, classification, and problematics related to the theoretical and applied issues of studying digital platforms. The methodological basis of this paper is the desk study of articles of foreign authors on identifying the specific characteristics of digital platforms at different levels of analysis, as well as the monitoring of publications on the activities of digital platforms, their impact on modern economy and competition with the traditional economy companies. As a result of the study, the author discloses the content of each of the proposed characteristics identifying the effects achieved as a result of special aspects of digital platforms and ecosystems organization. The paper presents the problems for future research and some conclusions based on combining characteristics under consideration. The main conclusion is: the specific of digital platforms is in the creation of value for all participants through multidirectional transaction flows with minimal centralized control of assets but using the assets of the participants.
About the authors
Ruslan Gennadievich Pozhidaev
Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Labor Economics and Management Fundamentals
Russian FederationReferences
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