- Authors: Vaskovets L.P.1
- Kovel Industrial and Economic College, Kovel
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 16-19
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukieconomika.ru/jour/article/view/261
- ID: 261
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Terminological any field of science, including the Treasury, there is always dynamic. By the terms and common lexicon is a constant exchange of words change their general use basic lexical meaning and become terms and the terms are increasingly a part of the common units. These two processes are continuous and interconnected that helps maintain balance in the language.
During terminologization understand the process of replenishment terminology vocabulary by secondary nomination (metaphor, metonimizatsiyi) and the use of proper names as part of the terms.
During terminologization posluhovuyutsya sound shell word or phrase that already exists in the language to refer to the new object or phenomenon of special purpose communication. This name has a secondary character as sound shell generating words is called a named object on the basis of their assimilation or contiguity. With the nomination of a new concept of special use not any commonly used word, but only those which are known fixed differential features found in the structure of the new realities. The specificity of this method is that the semantic structure of the word undergoes complete or partial modifications due to quality semantic change. In case of withdrawal of the term of his usual environment determinologization observe the process, the driving force which acts functional shift. Determinologization – inverse process terminologization that has the same mechanism, but it works in reverse. In summary, it should be noted that the Treasury as part of terminological terminology fund is complex organization of special units, diverse in origin and essential characteristics. Much of the semantic changes in language due interconnected and continuous processes «implantation» terms in common language (determinologization) and the development of new terminology values based on the semantics of common words (terminologization).
About the authors
Ludmila Petrovna Vaskovets
Kovel Industrial and Economic College, Kovel
Author for correspondence.
Email: vaskowez@gmail.com
aspirant Eastern European National University of Lesja Ukrainian