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Analysis of the interaction between labour markets and educational services demonstrates their internal contradictions, which makes it difficult to optimize their integration. Today, both markets operate independently from each other, which is confirmed by the research results. To internal factors that cause contradictions in his work, the author relates: increase the number of educational institutions of higher professional education, resulting in an inflated number of graduates demanded by the profession; the activity of the market of educational services in the training of young specialists in new areas; insufficiently developed system of additional education for retraining of specialists. The lack of permanent sociological monitoring increases the imbalance of labour markets and educational services. The employer acts as a consumer of educational services, defining its role, because he is a customer of qualified professionals. But at the same time, he is always ready to articulate their requirements to the graduates in the new conditions, which significantly slows down the dynamics of the region as a whole. Systematic work with the monitoring will help to develop an optimized forms of cooperation and partnership that will promote socio-economic development of the region. Feedback of the University with the consumer can improve its performance. Special attention should be paid to what group of consumers of educational services has a relationship with each other and can influence each other. This requires constant monitoring, which will provide full information about the interests, changes with consumer education services. There is no doubt that each University should establish an ongoing study of its potential audience, to track her motivation and guidance. Such information will not only find the most interesting proposals from the point of view of learning, but also to track potential proposals for labour market demand occupations. The imbalance of labour markets and educational services creates contradictions in the formation and realization of human potential in the region. The resolution of serious problems is in search of cooperation between universities and employers.

About the authors

Olga Yurevna Shcherbakova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

 candidate of sociological Sciences, senior lecturer Department of Sociology

Russian Federation


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