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The paper studies the issue of integration of norms and standards. It is widely known that a standard or a norm answers the question “How to do?”; however in the modern world, increased rate of changes in an organization results in the necessity to store information about the reasons that have caused introduction of a certain requirement or norm. Development of methods for collecting and managing such information is an important task nowadays. A modern organization has to adapt its activities to numerous normative requirements, in its term it leads to the necessity to combine or integrate them. The authors suggest a model for standard integration based on the theory of sets. Four types of norms interaction are described (fusion, crossing, addition and negation) and possibility for integration is discussed for each type. When norms are in conflict and their requirements are contradicting, we should analyze the reasons for introduction of these norms and areas of their application. The work discusses stages for establishing a norm and analyzes them through application of FMEA method. In particular, this method is used to analyze the consequences of breaking norms. Models of norms interaction and development show that there is a process of norm inheritance by different manufacturing systems so that a norm can develop into a tradition.

About the authors

Elena Sergeevna Klochkova

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of the Institute of Humanities

Russian Federation

Irina Pavlovna Vasilyeva

S.P. Korolev Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University), Samara


postgraduate student of Chair “Aircraft construction and quality management in mechanical engineering”

Russian Federation


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